Barbas / Strønen / Meyer Trio

A new exciting meeting with Norwegian drummer Thomas Strønen and Swiss electric bass guitar player Björn Meyer: the three musicians – each one a unique musical and sonic world by himself – carry a long story and a wide range of influences from folk to classical, improvised music to ambient, contemporary, jazz and many others.

Thomas Strønen is one of Europe’s most prolific drummers, with many personal albums on ECM Records sampling percussionists and composers. Strønen has artistically contributed to more than seventy releases, toured more than sixty countries and has been commissioned to compose music for BBC, NRK and The Norwegian Opera and Ballet.

Björn Meyer, Swedish-born and Swiss-based, has shaped a unique voice for his instrument inside the most diverse contexts, working alongside Persian harpist and singer Asita Hamidi, Swedish nyckelharpa player Johan Hedin, Tunisian oud master Anouar Brahem and Swiss pianist Nik Bärtsch. His solo album on ECM on 2018 has received praise by the jazz world. Through a series of minimal melodies and extended space for soundscapes created by joined improvisations, the distinctive sound of the ney goes hand by hand with an exploration of new areas of amalgamating acoustic, textural & processed sounds coming from the drums, the six-string bass guitar and the piano.

Christos Barbas: ney, piano, keys
Thomas Strønen: drums 

Björn Meyer: six-string electric bass guitar, sampling