I am really delighted to announce “Labyrinth in Catalunya”, a “journey for Labyrinth Musical Workshop in Spain/Catalunya on May 2016! 6 new Spring Seminars, taking place in Cardedeu.
In collaboration with Labyrinth Musical Workshop in Crete/Greece, we are working intensively for this new event. Soon we will be ready to announce all the details in a new website: labyrinthcatalunya.com
For the moment here is the full list of seminars and prices. For information & inscriptions write to labyrinthcatalunya@gmail.com
5-10 May
Zohar Fresco – Frame Drums & Percussion
Hooshang Farahani – Iranian Music & Tar
12-17 May
Ross Daly & Kelly Thoma – Composition in Modal Music
Ömer Erdoğdular – Ney & Ottoman Music
19-24 May
Giorgos Manolakis – Songs from Greece: Rembetika & Kritika
Giorgos Papaioannou – Violin & Modal Music
Seminars Timetable:
1st day: 17:00-20:00
2nd to 6th day: 10:00-13:00 & 17:00-20:00
Is you are interested make sure you join the group in facebook: