Murat Aydemir: Tanbur
Christos Barbas: Ney
Stratis Psaradelis: Lyra, Lavta
Murat Aydemir is one of Turkey’s finest Tanbur players. Both Ney and Tanbur are highly estimated in Sufi and Classical music. Ney & Tanbur duet is an ideal vehicle where the music of classical “Makam” can be fully and freely expressed. Challenging as they might be as instruments, they offer an unique soundscape where all the richness and minute details of this living musical tradition can be heard. Our vision, in this project, is enriched by contemporary compositions, both by me and Murat, where innovation is merged with knowledge of one of the world’s greatest musical traditions.
Murat Aydemir, apart from being a real virtuoso on his instrument, is also an excellent connoisseur on the Theory of Music. He has written and published a book, a comprehensive guide on the makams, which widely considered to be the best and well explained book on this subject. You can check his book here (english version) and here (translated to greek by Sophia Kompotiati).
We are joined in this concert by Stratis Psaradelis a musician that focuses on Greek & Middle Eastern Folk music and is a stunning virtuoso of the lyra, lavta and saz.
In this concert we will be presenting the new Cd “The Mountain & the Tree”, with Murat Aydemir – Tanbur, Christos Barbas – Ney, Bora Uymaz – Voice, Isabel Martin – Percussion, featuring 6 original compositions by Christos Barbas, Murat Aydemir & Ross Daly.